Associations and Partnerships
Associations and Partnerships
As a way of increasing our responsible performance, we reaffirm commitments to voluntary socio-environmental pacts and encourage our suppliers to adhere to these initiatives.
Know what programs we are signatories to and the entities that we are partners that focus on sustainable development that we support:

BRF is an associate member of CEBDS, the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development. The council promotes corporate sustainability through articulation with governments and civil society, sharing best sustainability practices of member companies, as well as innovations in risk management, strategic partnerships and training and dissemination of knowledge to promote business competitiveness. This partnership reinforces our commitment to the ESG agenda for an increasingly sustainable future.

PACTO GLOBAL (Global Compact)
Since 2011, BRF has been a signatory to the Global Compact’s set of commitments. The action mobilizes leaders of the international business community to support the promotion of core values in the areas of environment, human rights and labor and anti-corruption. This is an initiative of the United Nations Environment Program (UN), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Development (UNDP).

The Emerging Markets Investors Alliance is a not-for-profit organization that enables institutional emerging market investors to support good governance, promote sustainable development, and improve investment performance in the governments and companies in which they invest. This partnership reinforces our commitment to collaborating with institutional investors, companies and policy experts to support good governance, environmental sustainability and investment performance.

Commitment to business ethics. The Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption represents a set of guidelines and procedures that must be adopted by the signatory companies in their relationships with entities and public agents. This is an initiative of the Ethos Institute, UniEthos, Patri and Public Policies, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Brazilian Committee of the Global Compact.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), launched in 2015, aim to promote a multisectoral approach to promote, among other topics, the eradication of poverty and hunger, respect for human rights and the promotion of good -be. These objectives are being incorporated into the strategy and performance of the company and gaining strength from one of our most legitimate causes, the fight against food waste.

It engages private enterprise to commit itself to acting in a meaningful way for the eradication of slave labor in its productive chains, for example, by encouraging non-commercialization with suppliers who use slave labor. THE Inpacto is an initiative of the Ethos Institute, Social Observatory Institute, International Labor Organization (ILO) and NGO Reporter Brazil.

It mobilizes governments, companies and third sector organizations around the most effective fight against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on Brazilian highways. In the Right Direction Program is an initiative of Childhood Brasil and the Instituto Ethos.

BRF adopts the calculation methodology of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program and uses the Public Emissions Register to disseminate its global inventory of greenhouse gas emissions.

Since 2005, BRF responds to CDP, the main financial sector initiative in relation to climate change mitigation. This is a market tool with a focus on performance and transparency in the management of sustainability focused on the low carbon economy and strategies to mitigate climate change.

An initiative that seeks to support companies in the construction of the low carbon economy in Brazil, evaluating their risks and opportunities in the management of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and collectively discussing practical solutions and contributions to the legal framework in the country. The Empresas Pelo Clima has initiative of the Center for Sustainability Studies of EAESP (GVCes) and other 27 founding companies.
BRF’s sustainability practices have a record of recognition that demonstrates the company’s commitment and advances in recent years to sustainable development. This challenges us to continuously seek to improve our management for sustainability.

Since 2009, the company has been integrating the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2), developed by BM & FBovespa, in partnership with BNDES. For the weighting of the component companies, the indicator takes into account the efficiency level of GHG emissions and the free float of each company.
The main objective of ICO2 is to encourage corporations issuing the most traded stock in the stock market to measure, disclose and monitor their GHG emissions and provide the market with an indicator whose performance will result from a portfolio marked by factors that incorporate issues related to climate change.

The inventory of greenhouse gas emissions from BRF has the Gold Seal of the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Program. Recognition of compliance with GHG guidelines, with verification by third parties. The complete BRF Emissions Inventory is available here.

The Ecology Expression Award was created in 1993 by Editora Expressão, one year after the World Environment Conference in Rio de Janeiro – Eco 92. The objective is to publicize the environmental actions of companies in the southern region of Brazil and to encourage follow the same way.
Between 1993 and 2016, BRF (and its brands Sadia and Perdigão) has already won 15 trophies in several categories. The last achievement was from the Videira (SC) unit awarded in the Pollution Control category, with the project Disposal of Waste: Composting Eliminates Environmental Pollution in Landfill.

Promoted by the Grupo Brasil – Working for Integration there (Argentina), the award aims to recognize the work of partner companies that develop commercial projects to promote sustainable growth.
In 2017, BRF received the award in the Sustainability and Environment category with the Automated Composting project, inaugurated in October of the same year at the BRF Campo Austral unit in Sinsacate, a municipality in the province of Córdoba, Argentina, transforming the unit into the first country with sustainable technology.